Ananda Wellness provides Therapeutic Massage and Integrative Bodywork for the enhancement of your health and well-being.

We are dedicated to providing our clients with nurturing treatments to promote relaxation, release fascia restriction and

support injury recovery.

Each session is customized with attention to detail. Our intention is to support your optimal health and wellness goals, so that you may

enjoy a life in balance.

Kirsten Anderson has exceeded all of my expectations of massage therapy/body work. Her level of care, attention, knowledge, and empathic sensitivity makes each and every visit a truly re-energizing experience for both my mind and body. She helps me feel comfortable in my vulnerability and always listens when I need to be heard, quiets when I need a place of sanctuary, or speaks when I need loving advice. With each visit I feel that I am in the hands of a healer. Kirsten is a gift to the community.
— Carly